Website Trends for 2015
Are you thinking about updating, aligning, tweaking, revamping, or refreshing your site for 2015?
I hope so. Your website should NOT be the digital equivalent of this:
Here are some trends I'm loving:
1 // Design
Put your hands in the air and step away from the chevron! It was fun and mod and whimsical when it was new (like four years ago). Now it's everywhere: on curtains, walls, website backgrounds, pillows, even...underwear.
Hot geometry right now is the triangle.
Clockwise from left to right: pattern from Creative Market, The Darling Tree, a design I'm playing with for Simple + Soulful, Gabby B, and Wes Wages.
2 // User Experience
I'm seeing a lot more minimal and concise home pages that get right to the point. Add a compelling call-to-action, and your audience will not get confused about what they should do next.
This is an example of a Squarespace COVER PAGE. They are basically landing pages you can create for a multitude of marketing purposes and funnels. I LOVE this because now you don't need to use a separate lead page generator to get gorgeous and effective landing pages. Saves the expense of third party applications like LeadPages.
3 // Blog Style
I'm seeing gorgeous blog layouts that are inspired by the Pinterest card design style. This makes engaging with your content more visual. We live in fast paced times. The sooner we can get people saying, "Squirrel!" and clicking over to an interesting post on your blog, the better. Visual, card design content does this.
I recently converted my blog layout to a card design.
4 // Ghost Buttons
They're interesting and eye-catching without being obnoxious. They are a great way to guide navigation in a subtle, yet effective manner.
5 // Double Opt-In Strategy
According to the opt-in experts at LeadPages, from a psychological perspective, single opt-ins feel like something is being taken from us, while double opt-ins feel like something is being given to us. Big difference! The slide share below further illustrates:
6 // Simple Navigation
Drop-down menus are out. A confused mind always says no. Limit your top navigation to five tabs (seven max), with NO drop downs. Use buttons (CTA's) to guide your audience and place overflow pages (that are important but not critical) in your footer.
7 // Fonts
Big. Clean. Striking.
This approach requires that you are very clear about what you do and who you serve. In this case, the image says more than the copy. That's what images should do...they should take the burden off your copy to help carry the weight of your message.
8 // Authentic Branding + Storytelling
Share less bone-dry credentials and robotic in-for-ma-tion (beep beep boop), and use stories to connect with your audience while you edu-tain. (Educate + Entertain:)
Be professional, but make it your mission to be the life of your party. Your website shouldn't create a new personality for you; instead it should be infused with your actual personality. If you have struggled on your own to align your brand with the essence of your personality and business vision, I can help:) And trust me, the sooner this is worked out, the happier and healthier your business will be!
I'm currently filling my production schedule for 2015. Interested in reserving a spot? Click right here to learn more >>