Ten Things To Know About Using Images On Your Blog
Using images on your blog is important (not to mention FUN)! But you do need to know a few rules so you don't end up inadvertently violating copyright laws. In this sixth lesson of our Content Marketing 101 series (which starts right here), I share my best ten tips (plus a bonus!) for using images on your blog. In addition, I compiled a super huge list of places for you to get FREE contemporary stock photography to use on your website and blog. Enjoy!
What To Write About On Your Blog
One of the hardest things about having a blog is knowing what to write about. If you don't have a list of topics cued up, you won't write. Trust me. I know from personal experience. In today's post (as part of my ongoing Content Marketing 101 series), I'll help you take the steps of figuring out what to write about. As always, I'll share simple + soulful insights that are easy to understand and take action on. What you write about can help you grow your business; and I believe making money doing what you love is a form of self-care. So let's do this!
Why Small Business Owners Need Squarespace
In this post I share my experiences with two website platforms: Wordpress and Squarespace. And ultimately why I decided to not only use Squarespace, but to become a developer and make gorgeous websites for clients.
If you are at a crossroads, wondering what you should do about your existing website (that you're not thrilled with) or excited about creating a new website, you may find my side by side comparison of the two platforms helpful.
The Simplest Way (I Know) to Reduce Stress
In this post I share some interesting data about what I know to be the simplest, cheapest, and most luxurious way to reduce stress...FAST! It's time to stop multi-tasking and start enjoying life again. And (sigh) it's so much easier than you think.